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·中国最古老而完美的日晒制盐点——海南古盐田  ·优秀影人:广西摄影家——黄可华  ·“生态·环保”CCN摄影月赛投稿开始 精彩作品立即上传喽  ·宗教气氛浓厚的古老民族——藏族风情  ·每周影人:福建摄影家王达宁  ·西藏之旅的钻石级选择——林芝鲁朗  ·充满神性张扬和想像力的艺术品——苗族银饰  ·川西门户 边陲重镇——四川松潘古城  ·甘肃郎木寺地区风情  ·中共中央驻地旧址——陕西延安杨家岭  ·中国历史名人纪念馆——福州林则徐纪念馆  ·优秀影人:黑龙江摄影家——李金岩  ·浙江钱塘江风光  ·广西龙胜龙脊梯田  ·世界最美的山——神秘莫测的梅里雪山  

Chair Parade Center Square in Lvshun-Town South-Western Dalian journal – CN.19 For viewers free lesson No.4
All is nothing but a bunch of boring old chairs – however by say not explaining this collection of chair...

Bluebay – town south-western coast Dalian – catalog journal -CN.18
Once held commercial appeal – sadly now in need of maintenance – the beach area. The restaurant facilities are functional and very good. Some p...

Dalian park – Renmin Square located central Dalian area catalog journal – CN.16
Picturesque setting with graceful trees hedges and well cut lawns. Shown images are confined to small park area by example the rest ...

Open day shipside visit for public and exhibition of navy music. Conventions of instrumental documents exist here on the border between portraits and tight framing of the very instrument at work.   ID:115318-0...

The prevalence of such subjects on coast lines and thoroughness of inlets as grounding out landscape like charcoal – drawing tradition.   ID:115318-03077 走进新西兰的海岸  图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲

How easy it is to fill picture albums with set pieces gathered from obsession with the remembrance of the invisible presences within cityscape spires, part of every day life. Yet completely unaesthetic facades.   ...

Abutilon hybridum – Malvaceae – South American Hybrids
This album shows not the real deal – but the south American hybrids.   ID:115318-03149 中国灯花  图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
The differ...

Photographic photo art study of roof tops skyline construction site and the geographic position from which it is viewed.   ID:115318-02588 空中线条  图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Strong sense of exhibi...

In this climate of storm intoxication more or less cyclic exaltation often charged with muted emotions. Storm capture at source, their passing over the city location serves as spring board for poetic invention – before ...

  光阴似箭,岁月如梭。在中国人民不断改善和进一步发展小康生活的“十二五”开年之际,迎来了中国共产党90周年华诞。      作为摄影人,我用了半个月时间,完成了以缅怀老一代无产阶级革命家和先烈的丰功伟绩,以及山城...

Needlework – embroider –cloth ornament – fictitious additions
Short exhibition shows certain simple old examples mostly around 1890 NZ. Spectacle and description are superficial and secondary respects of embroid...

On deserted beach – lost island in deep-South Pacific, the struggle makes composition interesting enough. The island lost girl with camera was interesting enough and held some promise as model – more in hope than expec...

Landscapes – coastal walk – long Bay – Okura-Auckland east coast beaches – North Island – NZ
Landscape with high hay fields each of which concentrates on specific details and light develops them in terms of the...


About freeway walks – extremely unconventional reaffirmed as outlawed across the world. Created best known use - freeway for cars and trucks - fast mover. Road construction company rebuilding large-flyover bridge across...


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